DON'T TELL A SOUL. Should you watch?
When I saw Saban films on the trailer of this one I thought to myself, this should be a good one. This movie did not disappoint either as it plays to its strength which is a simple plot. Also, if Saban films sounds familiar to you that's because you watched the Power Rangers (2017). 'Don't Tell A Soul tells' a story about a security officer that falls down a hidden well while trying to chase down two young sibling(Matt and Joey) who stole some cash. The story takes the viewers on an emotional ride and suspense.
One of the strong moments in this movie is when it takes an Interesting turn halfway through it run time and I have to say it's not a cheap plot twist it is an excellent one. I will leave that to you to find out. As aforementioned, the movie has a very simple plot and just a handful characters so, you won't be bothered about trying to keep up with who is who. Some themes to expect from this one includes: Death, grief, bullying, family struggls and teenagehood.
For a small budget movie the visual is also pretty good. The actors also did a very convincing job in their various roles.
'Don't Tell A Soul' run time is about 1 hour 20 minutes long and it doesn't waste any of those minutes. It goes straight to point and it's build up of events were nicely and not dragged. Just to mention, this movie can be dark sometimes. I wouldn't also want to spoil that for you.
Should you watch this? Definitely yes, it might not be a big movie or trend on social media but it's surely a good watch and recommendable one.
Have you seen 'Don't Tell A Soul'? If you haven't, give it a try and let me know what you think. Especially the ending of the movie. I will like to know what you guys think.
DON'T TELL A SOUL. Should you watch?
Reviewed by Krunch
January 31, 2021

Nice review