My review of this movie is going to be more of a rant because the team behind this movie basically took an interesting concept and made it into a less desirable movie anyone would ever want to rewatch a for a second time nor a sequel. Infinite explores the concept of reincarnation, cool enough right? The general concept behind reincarnation is that when people die they can comeback as other people into the world, thus, having a little bit of recollection of having lived before or carrying over some distinctive attributes. Infinite gets off to a great by establishing that there special beings that have perfect recollection when they reincarnate, calling them the infinites and their leader is called Treadway. In the present timeline Treadway is called Evan McCauley played by Mark Whalberg. Also, the infinites are said to dedicate their knowledge in helping humanity(we will comeback to this later) Having lived so many lifetimes, Bathurst played by Chiwetel Ejiofor in the current timeline and one of the infinites fed up of reliving decides to take a different path to put an end to his unending nightmare; at least that's the way he sees his reincarnation loop.
Now I shall proceed to my rant.
This movie felt like it was going to crumble underneath the weight of so much idea it was packed with and even the characters couldn’t carry this weight. The whole movie felt too jampacked with ideas for just one movie and the audience kept being bombarded with so much information after the other; which often leads to a forgetful experience. I can’t help shrugging the feeling of the ideas in this movie to be somehow familiar. It tries to do something different by infusing so many ideas and concept and at every point. It always felt the need to explain these ideas to the audience because they won’t get it. The compulsion to always explain its idea to the audience constantly also made me cringy. It makes the audience looks stupid by while trying to be clever than it is and also insult their intelligence. I have to say that it is not a bad technique to make characters have to explain a concept to the audience but when it is obnoxiously done repeatedly. There was a point in this movie where it was already explained what will happen if the bad guy gets his hand on a certain object that he needs, fast forward to some minutes later you have the bad guy explaining to one of his followers the same exact thing; so unnecessary, like your audience are not third graders!
Now to the solution. The simple solution to the problems faced by this movie is, if you can guess? It's by not being a single movie. They should have taken the pace slow and split the storytelling into a trilogy and let the audience grow naturally and familiarize themselves with its world and story it has to tell.The progression of this movie made me feel like the storytelling was on a ticking clock. Remember they said infinites help inhumanity advance further in knowledge, we don't get to see any of that other than the fancy cars and high tech weaponry the infinites made use of. There was no interaction whatsoever with normal humans or even a show of how they helped. None at all we only get to see how their high tech could level city street of the people they're trying to help and also drive through a police station and no one miraculously got crushed.
I will also like to say a thing or two about the villain in this movie. I'm not sure if it's my perception of the actor or the character itself or I've gotten bored of overexaggerated psychotic movie villains but the character of Chiwetel felt so off to me and the forced accent felt so weird that the character didn’t get through to me. Yeah, I get it; the character is on edge with his psychotic and selfish ambition. This is a person that has seen so many lifetimes and gotten tired, not to spoil his motives too much, in my opinion I feel if the character was more calm, a better mastermind and if we get experience how he feels. He would have resonated better. His experience was only mentioned in a dialogue. At the end of the day all we got was a stereotypical villain. Lastly, I don't even get why he was wearing suits throughout this movie, creative limitations to wadrobe or he is just a suit guy? No idea.
On a final note, I find this movie to be at best an average movie and forgetful, the if you want see this movie for storytelling, I will advise you look elsewhere.
Reviewed by Krunch
June 16, 2021

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