It's year 2257; humans have travelled far from earth to find a new world. They find a new one but were also greeted with the planet's ecosystem that changed the men; the noise as referred to in the movie. 'Chaos Walking' follows Todd Hewitt, a boy raised in a town where all their women are dead. Only the men and boys are left living in it. Not long into the movie, Todd is made to question everything he knows and have been told when a spacecraft crashes near their town.
'Chaos Walking' premise is a promising one but it fell short of the high expectations I had for it the moment the movie starts to unravel its mystery; the ending wasn't that impressive neither.
'Chaos Walking' is 1 hour 48 minutes long and that runtime is not enough to explore and tell the story the movie was trying to tell. Which is very sad. There are so many things you can question about this movie the moment you're done with it and there are no answers to these questions. It's not like they were left to the viewers to figure out with their imaginations as some movies cleverly does. Instead, they were blatantly left out because of plot compression. To get another angle on this, maybe it's just better to read the book the movie was adapted from.
It's difficult to judge the performances of the actors in this movie because the plot didn't make us really connect with them. The character development was really lacking; not the actor's fault by the way. It's just how bad the plot is compressed. For a quick comparison, if you're familiar with the series 'The 100', great tv series by the way. Imagine trying to compress the first three to four seasons of 'The 100' into a 1 hour and 48 minutes long movie. Sounds bad right? It just doesn't work.
By the time the credits rolled, 'Chaos Walking' felt like watching a story arc from a larger body of stories, it didn't feel complete. It felt like a lot was chipped away from a book adaptation to make a movie. Maybe it would have been better been a TV series. To put 'Chaos Walking' in a tier rating, I'll say it's somewhere in between average and below average movie.
Reviewed by Krunch
April 02, 2021

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