'Love Death + Robot' is a collection of animated short stories that cuts across several genres, including science fiction, fantasy, horror and comedy. The animated anthology series includes stories that involves love, death or robots or a mix of the three. Some of the subject or themes of these shorts usually contain, satire, technological advancement, Myths and a lot more. By no means is this a children's animation, it's an adult animated series with different matured subject matters.
In this article I will only be giving you the gist about my favourite episodes in season 2 and why; I'll try as much as possible not to spoil them.
First is 'Episode three: Pop Squad'. This episode gave me 'Altered Carbon' vibes; if you've watch that series you'll know what I'm talking about for context. The episode embodies all the three elements of the title. Humans wanting to live forever at the cost of some their emotions like love and making them become some sort of cold-hearted robots. Death in this episode can be seen with from the perspective of death of emotions in humans and actual violence when the squads eliminated infants. It's a dark and grim episode. Don't watch this one with any kids around.
'Episode 5: The Tall Grass' is a retelling of Steven King's 'In The Tall Grass'. Just like in the Steven King's original concept, the grass calls out to people and when they enter, they get lost because something is not right with the grass. This episode takes the supernatural and mystery path in telling of it short tale and I love it. While there is absence of love and robots in this episode, the prominent one is death. The hole Lairo(the curious traveller) falls into contains bone of probably the victims of those otherworldly creatures and as explained by the train conductor at the end of the episode: 'Near as I can tell most of them used to be people, maybe some got lost crossing the plains, or maybe others got of the train at the wrong...happens every now and then' this point to the fact that there has been victims of otherworldly experience and Lairo was not the first and he won't be the last.
The season only featured eight episodes, that's ten episodes short of the last season. Nonetheless, it was a refreshing experience for me. It's not everyday we get to see well-crafted animated short, unless you're on YouTube. 'Love Death + Robots' season two is definitely worth checking out. 

P.S.: If I have the time, I might do a breakdown analysis of each of the episodes in this season.

LOVE DEATH + ROBOT (SEASON 2) LOVE DEATH + ROBOT (SEASON 2) Reviewed by Krunch on May 18, 2021 Rating: 5

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