'Those Who Wish Me Dead' is a movie that follows Hannah, a smoke jumper, suffering from PTSD after, she failed to save some civilians from a wild fire due to her bad judgment. Soon after the incident she encounters Connor, a boy on the run from two hitmen, it's up to Hannah to bring to both of them to safety without failing this time.
After one hour thirty minutes of this movie, I'm not really sure if the title of this movie fits well. We only got to see just one person that wish the boy dead, technically speaking the hitmen were just hired hands.
You might be wondering what on earth is a 'Smoke Jumper', they're basically fire fighters but to make them look cool they use parachute to into danger zones to rescue people and also fight fire wild fire; we only see this happen in a flashback. While I thought this movie was supposed to about smoke jumpers, it was more focused on survival skills in the wilderness. I find it difficult to really follow through with the movie makers thought process here.
The plot of ' Those Who Wish Me Dead' felt like it belong in another movie era. It felt like if it was released in 2010 or 2008. It will make a huge impression. The performance by the actors wasn't bad, the CGI wasn't bad. It's a movie that will probably lose your full attention halfway through it. For me, 'Those who wish me dead' is just another movie filling the average movies slot of 2021.
I feel if this movie was giving to a younger budding actress to act the role of Hannah, It would have been okay. Angelina Jolie felt bigger than the role to me in a weird way, I couldn't help but feel like she came to mark attendance in this movie.This is just my opinion.
I don't have much to say about this movie. 'Those who wished me dead' is just another average movie for this year and it's barely memorable.

THOSE WHO WISH ME DEAD THOSE WHO WISH ME DEAD Reviewed by Krunch on May 24, 2021 Rating: 5

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