Whew! Where do we even start to unpack this one? I will try to be as concise as I can be, without spoiling the fresh contents for you.
We all know the Justice league story already, Steppenwolf, one of Darkseid's disciples tries to redeem himself by claiming earth after betraying his master. It's up to Batman to gather superbeings to defend Earth. The premise from Justice League(2017) remains the same, only that, it is more fleshed out.
If Justice League(2017) was a lite version, definitely Synder's cut is the real deal and full package. Before we continue, just in case you didn't know, one of the reasons Justice League(2017) turned out the way it turned out was because a lot of scenes were taking out of the movie to make it fit into a 1 hour 50 minutes runtime for theatre release. So, for Synder's cut you're getting to watch the removed scenes and some newly shot scenes that accumulates into 4 hours in total.
Divided into 7 parts plus the epilogue. Synder's cut is 4 hours long! Just wow! It uses its 4 hours runtime to bring character development into reasonable view, unlike the 2017 version. The 4 hours runtime situation of this movie is actually very understandable. Let's be honest, nobody was going to go to the cinema and sitdown for 4 hours to see a movie. That's two movies worth of time. The need for the 4 hours is also as a result of better character development as aforementioned. By the time Justice League was released in 2017, we had only seen the origin story of Wonder woman, partially Batman and Superman in 'Batman vs Superman'. Aquaman came a year later. Synder's cut used some of the runtime to give The flash and Cyborg a proper introduction; something the 2017 version never did.
Moving on, some obvious changes that can be spotted in comparison to the 2017 version include: Steppenwolf's look, he is more intimidating, looks more badass and his suit looks alive. Superman's suit was also changed. There are also some interesting cameos, which include: The Martian Manhunter(very surprising to see), Deathstroke and The Joker. These guys weren't in the 2017 version.
All the heroes are given more screen time and story; except for maybe superman. Not to drop major spoilers, I will stop here.
Now, to the visuals, it's beyond doubt that this movie looks incredibly good and so cinematic that you can extract a nice wallpaper from a lot of scenes. It's a marvel to watch; no pun intended. One of the things I was quick to notice was the blood and violence got a serious tune up in this version. The moment Wonder Woman was introduced few minutes into the movie. I noticed the use of blood while she beats up the bad guys. My brain quickly catch up to this and start trying to recall if there were prominent use of blood in DC movies prior to this. My resolve to this puzzle was that in order to make most superheroes movies kids friendly, they usually tune down the violence with the absence of blood in fight scenes. Just a quick bonus, as a jovial person I found a number of 'memeable moments' in some scenes. I had a good laugh spotting some meme worthy moments in this movie.
For the movie score, everything sounded perfectly crafted, Wonder Woman's theme still gives me the hype whenever it came on and I did spot a little addition to Aquaman's arc(I'm sure there is more addition that I didn't spot). Overall, this is an A list movie and the score is really good and doesn't fall short in quality.
My final verdict on Zack Synder's Justice, being a fleshed out version of the movie we should have got in 2017. It's totally an engaging movie compared to 2017 release; It's hard to put down once you start. At the time of reading this post, if you're yet to see this movie, I'm definitely recommending it for you; if you can find time to watch it. 4 hours is not that easy to burn on a single movie but it's worth it. I'm also hyped for Snyder's next movie releasing in May, 'Army of the Dead'. In case, you haven't seen the trailer, here it is.
Reviewed by Krunch
March 20, 2021

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